3 Tips for Branding Your Business Website

NAZwebz Studio | freelance WordPress website designer | branding your business website

NAZwebz Studio | freelance WordPress website designer

Branding your business website must not be taken lightly. It will play an important role in reaching and drawing in new customers. You may want to do some planning and goal setting before you hire a web designer or in conjunction with your designer. Certainly, this should include the overall look and feel of your small business website.

Logo ~ Colors ~ Fonts ~ Images

First of all, your website should give visitors a clear idea of what to expect when they engage with your business. Use strong visual elements to impart a sense of your business atmosphere. Even within the same industry, different businesses will have different personalities. Use your business website to highlight the personality you infuse into your shop. This quote borrowed from a Forbes article says it all:

If a brand wants to make its website more appealing to potential customers, it needs strong visuals, including strong design elements (think fonts and colors) and images that showcase plenty of personality. Joey Kercher, Air Fresh Marketing

Digital Marketing

Your business website should be working as hard for you as you’re working for your business. Your website can generate leads, demonstrate knowledge of your industry, or garner social media engagement. Because of this, you need a digital marketing plan. Let’s say you want to build up your social media engagement. To do this you’ll want to create posts that will encourage your audience to share them.  This includes such as solid, timely information or a great sense of humor. These factors all play into branding your business website.

Focus On Your Customers

Finally, use your small business website to put your customers first. Tell them what you’ll do for them rather than on vague concepts like industry awards. Visitors to your site are looking to do business with someone who can solve a “problem” they have. Your website should make it clear that they’ll be satisfied with the service you provide.

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